Özem Makine

Produktion und Verkauf von Farbmaschinen, Trockenöfen und Farbkabinen

Anzahl der Mitgliedschaftstage: 217 Tag
Unternehmensname: Özem Makine Boyama Fan ve Havalandırma Sistemleri Ltd. Şti.
Art des Aktivitäts Hersteller - Produzent
Firmenkurzinformationen: Produktion und Verkauf von Farbmaschinen, Trockenöfen und Farbkabinen
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 1-10 Arbeiten zwischen
Art des Unternehmens: Şahıs Firması
Gründungsjahr: 2019
Kapital Zwischen 0 und 500.000 TL
Jahresumsatz: Zwischen 0 und 249.000 TL
Özem Machine is a leading company in the sector with Innovative Solutions Our company is a prominent company with its long-standing history in the sector and high quality understanding. It continues its determination to offer the best solutions to its customers with its successful activities since its establishment. With its wide machine park and advanced technology production capacity, it maintains its leading position by responding quickly to changing needs in the sector. Specialized in powder coating and wet painting machines and facilities, the company offers customized solutions based on customer satisfaction. Özem Machine adopts a customer-oriented approach in design and production processes, prioritizing customer demands at every stage. It aims to provide its customers with an uninterrupted experience by providing technical support after installation. The company stands out in the sector with various products such as paint machines, fan production, drying ovens, and painting cabins.